Jeff Koziuk
8  année  Mo Bro

$ 0

Objectif: $ 1.250
collecté $ 9.453 depuis 2010
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

To my father in law, my friend Nico and all the other men out there. Help us kick Cancer where it hurts.

0 of 60 kilometres
Vos activités

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 211 semaines
Don de:
Kevin Mckerracher
$ 20

Thanks for taking the torch this year and congrats on doubling your goal!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 211 semaines
Don de:
Kevin Mckerracher
$ 20

Thanks for taking the torch this year and congrats on doubling your goal!

Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
amal rishi
$ 20

Continue on great work buddy!

Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
amal rishi
$ 20

Continue on great work buddy!

Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
Geoff Vince
$ 20

Nice work!

Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
Geoff Vince
$ 20

Nice work!

Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
$ 1.000

I liked it just watching the wonderful pictures ... Keep Making a difference.

Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
$ 1.000

I liked it just watching the wonderful pictures ... Keep Making a difference.

Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Patricia Koziuk
$ 100
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Patricia Koziuk
$ 100
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Greg Leipsic
$ 50
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Greg Leipsic
$ 50
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
justin koziuk
$ 100
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
justin koziuk
$ 100
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Raj Randhawa
$ 100
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Raj Randhawa
$ 100
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Marc-Andre Santerre
$ 200

Happy to support you and Movember!

Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Marc-Andre Santerre
$ 200

Happy to support you and Movember!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Ashley Dobson
$ 25

Great job leading the team Jeff!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Ashley Dobson
$ 25

Great job leading the team Jeff!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Christine Jackson
$ 25
Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Christine Jackson
$ 25
Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
J. Oliverio
$ 50

Stay Golden Pony Boy!!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
J. Oliverio
$ 50

Stay Golden Pony Boy!!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Adam Swalm
$ 20

Good luck man!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Adam Swalm
$ 20

Good luck man!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Lori Wheeler
$ 20

Thanks for supporting men's health Jeff!!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Lori Wheeler
$ 20

Thanks for supporting men's health Jeff!!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Blair Darragh
$ 50

Well done buddy !!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Blair Darragh
$ 50

Well done buddy !!

Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Nicole Stasiuk
$ 50
Il y a 214 semaines
Don de:
Nicole Stasiuk
$ 50
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Jeff Helton
$ 50

Congrats on such a great run since 2010.

Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Jeff Helton
$ 50

Congrats on such a great run since 2010.

Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Guy Gordon
$ 50
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Guy Gordon
$ 50
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Mark Tomiak
$ 50
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Mark Tomiak
$ 50
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Kanaris Paraskevopoulos
$ 25
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Kanaris Paraskevopoulos
$ 25
Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 216 semaines

Last Years Photo Collage.

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.