Four rising stars of the prostate cancer research world have been funded by you Mo Bros and Mo Sistas, through our friends at Prostate Cancer Canada. One of which is Dr. Lauren Walker of the University of Calgary, who’s research will focus on the psychological and interpersonal factors associated with sexual difficulties experienced by men undergoing prostate cancer treatment.
The first study of its kind to track couples over the course of prostate cancer treatment, Walker will assess a number of psychosocial and sexual variables such as relational intimacy, communication, values, and satisfaction. The knowledge gained from these assessments will help guide the development of a predictive model that can identify which patients are most at-risk for difficulty in sexual adjustment in order to support them in a timely and effective manner.
The three other award winners of this research competition are:
Drs. Andrei Drabovich of the University Health Network in Toronto: Dr. Drabovich will explore prostate cancer-specific proteins found in seminal fluid that may be used as a biomarker for a new diagnostic test.
Aaron Ward of Western University in London; Dr. Ward will use three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to develop an artificially intelligent computer system to help doctors be more precise with biopsies and treatment decisions.
Dominique Trudel of l'Université de Montréal. Dr. Trudel will use mass spectrometry to measure the characteristics of individual molecules in tumour samples in order to distinguish new clues that will help us predict whether tumours will become aggressive earlier in their development.
This research represented a $1.7 million dollar investment into prostate cancer. For more information around our prostate cancer funding, swing by our funded programs section here.

July 5th, 2015
More Rising Stars of the prostate cancer research world have been funded by you, through our friends at Prostate Cancer Canada.
Four Prostate Cancer Rising Stars Funded