As Mo Bros and Mo Sistas around the world prepare for Movember – the Movember Foundation is proud to announce the largest-ever global investment into improving the quality of life for men living with and beyond prostate cancer.
For men living with and beyond prostate cancer, the impact of the disease on their everyday life is significant. As treatment for men with prostate cancer is completed, many men report fear of recurrence, fatigue, distress, anxiety, depression, erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence.
We need to help men and their families get their lives back on track following diagnosis and treatment.
Welcome to TrueNTH, a Movember Foundation funded revolutionary program that helps men living with prostate cancer get access to:
- Quality of life-enhancing information
- Care and support including treatment information
- Lifestyle advice
- Experiences with other prostate cancer survivors
- Better access to healthcare professionals.
Bringing together over 300 of the brightest prostate cancer minds from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK and USA, this unprecedented global collaboration represents a $40.8 million investment into changing the way that men and their families live with and beyond prostate cancer. In Canada, TrueNTH is managed by Movember’s men’s health partner Prostate Cancer Canada.
It’s thanks to you that we’re able to create and support such life changing programs. But there’s still work to be done. Sign up for Movember 2014 today and let’s continue changing the face of men’s health.