Fast-forward to 2013 and we are now proud to announce Movember’s first and most substantial funding opportunity in the men’s mental health space. With this announcement Movember Canada is providing funding, administered by the Canadian Men’s Health Network, of up to $12 million over 3 years. A second funding announcement will be communicated in the coming months within this area as well. This is an unprecedented opportunity for the Canadian mental health community to achieve significant results on boys’ and men’s mental health.
With this funding announcement, Movember Canada invites the applications from organizations in Canada to pursue innovation and ideas to achieve the following:
- Reduce the stigma of boys’ and men suffering from a mental health condition across all stages of life (childhood and adolescence, as well as young, mid, and later adulthood) to enable them to step forward to seek the help and care of health care professionals
- Raise awareness and knowledge of boys’ and men’s mental health concerns through education in schools, colleges, communities and workplaces.
- Define and develop interventions (e.g. social, communication, education, and advocacy) which lead to the prevention of mental illness or enable early recognition and treatment among boys and men.
Thank you Mo Bros and Mo Sistas! Without your steadfast dedication and love for the moustache initiatives like this wouldn’t be possible.
Learn more about the Canadian Men’s Health Network here!