We’re almost halfway through Movember. If you’re running out of fundraising ideas or struggling to get off the mark, don’t worry. We’ve got some quick and easy tips to get you pumped up and ready for the final two weeks.
1) Donate to yourself. This may sound obvious, but it’s a key first step. If you haven’t already, start things off with a personal donation. Follow it up by asking people to match your initial donation.
2) Make the ask. Tell your friends and family how you’re taking action for men’s health this Movember. Share updates of your moustache or your Moves – whatever you’re doing to raise funds for men’s health, make it known! There’s huge power in directly asking people to support your efforts with a donation.
3) Set goals. Goal-setting gives you something to strive for, and it gives your supporters an incentive to donate. Everyone likes to see someone smash their target. Take some time to send out weekly update emails that document your moustache growth and fundraising efforts.
4) A little competition goes a long way. If you’re doing Movember as a team, it’s time to make things interesting. Anyone can say their moustache is better than yours, but you can objectively point to the fundraising scoreboard to set the record straight... and maybe put a little dinner or a trophy on the line too. If you’re Mo’ing solo, it’s time to whip some competition up between your supporters. Highest donor of the week gets to choose how to style or dye your Mo, or set an exercise challenge for you to complete.
5) Say thank you. Take the time to write a thank you for any donation you received. Tag your supporters on Facebook, send them a personalised Mo selfie, or celebrate your donors on your Mo Space.
Want even more fundraising ideas and inspiration? Check out the Tips section of your Mo Space page.
November 8th, 2016
Here are a few tips to get you raising some dough with your Mo.
5 Mo Fundraising Tips