As men and women prepare themselves for Movember 2012 it¹s important to be armed with knowledge of the impact your moustache and funds raised is having on men¹s health. Movember is proud to announce that, to date, it has invested over $64 million to prostate cancer initiatives across Canada in the areas of awareness and education, research and survivorship.
By virtue of growing a moustache and starting conversations about men¹s health Mo Bros and Mo Sistas help to remove stigmas from men¹s health and get people talking. Last year
· 90% of participants spent time thinking about improving their health
· 75% of discussed their health with family, friends or colleagues during Movember
· 35% understood that their health depends on how well they take care of themselves
· 66% of participants have had a recent general check-up
· 48% carried out personal research on men¹s health issues during Movember
Learn more about the impact of Movember¹s awareness and education globally on Movember.com.
Movember funds numerous research programs through its men¹s health partner Prostate Cancer Canada and also through the Movember Foundation. Projects underway include
- Movember New and Established Investigator Pilot Grants: Through PCC, Pilot Grants fund innovative, high potential programs that could significantly advance research in finding better treatments. There are two divisions of this grant to allow for both new and established investigators the opportunity to lead promising research. There are 16 of these grants awarded in 2012.
- Movember Clinician Scientist Awards: Through PCC, Clinician Scientist Awards provide salary and research support to outstanding scientists in the field prostate cancer exploration. These scientists make major contributions in the field of research knowledge that lead to improved patient care and health. Two of these were awarded in 2012.
- Movember Team Grants: Through PCC, Team grants will facilitate collaboration between researchers and institutions from different areas of focus. Team grants will award $6M in funding and are currently open for application.
- CPC Gene: Through PCC, A project by the International Cancer Genome Consortium, CPC Gene aims to crack the prostate cancer genetic code by identifying changes or mutations in the DNA sequences of prostate cancers. Information about mutations in these DNA sequences could be used to better detect tumours, determine tumour aggressiveness and identify the best treatment needed to personalize prostate cancer medicine for individual patients. Advances in this area allow the scientific community to use personalized medicine to improve the quality of life for men diagnosed with the disease. CPC Gene is a $15M investment.
- Movember¹s Global Action Plan (GAP): GAP address critical challenges in prostate cancer research through global collaboration. GAP facilitates a new and unprecedented level of global research collaboration, not previously seen within the prostate cancer community. There is one GAP project per year funded by a small percentage of funds raised from countries around the world. Programs include the Global Prostate Cancer Biomarker Initiative and the Collaborative Global Imaging Project.
"It's because of the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas across the country that we are able to support so many world-class programs,² said Pete Bombaci, National Director, Movember Canada. ³It's these programs, the moustaches on your faces and the conversations you start that are enabling Movember to help change the face of men's health. Thank you."
"The Movember campaign is making an enormous impact in the medical field of prostate cancer research," said Dr. Rob Bristow MD, PhD, FRCPC. "Movember funds are allowing us to engage in research that was otherwise inaccessible to us and to collaborate with prostate cancer researchers from around the world to crack the genetic code of prostate cancer. Our work as part of the International Cancer Genome Consortium is a result of a $15M investment of Movember funds. It's a very exciting time to be making such progress in prostate cancer research."
"Because of the funds raised by Mo Bros and Mo Sistas across Canada our team has been able to initiate research that will help personalize treatment decisions for those affected by prostate cancer," said Dr. Frédéric Pouliot, MD, PhD., Recipient of a Movember-funded Pilot Grant "It's groundbreaking research that will enable us to make a difference and ultimately improve the diagnosis, treatment and outcome of this disease.²
Survivorship programs aim to significantly improve the quality of life for men living with prostate cancer, together with their partners, carers and families. Survivorship is the life journey following a diagnosis of prostate cancer.
- A Survivorship Action Partnership (ASAP): Through PCC, ASAP will provide support services to men with prostate cancer. The initiative will facilitate the creation of a collaborative network of organizations from across Canada focused on improving the lives of men living with prostate cancer, together with their partners, families and carers. ASAP represents one of the most significant investments made to improving the quality of life for men living with prostate cancer in Canadian history. ASAP will award $10M in funding and is currently open for application.
Funding for the PCC administered research programs is in line with PCC¹s research strategy. To create this strategy PCC conducted an environmental scan of the prostate cancer landscape identifying the gaps that needed addressing, and enlisted the aid of a research panel consisting of top tier scientific and medical advisors from all across the country. Applications for funding are allocated through an open, transparent process to ensure the best quality research and survivorship programs received funding.
Movember works to make sure funds raised are having a significant impact As such, Movember carries a low operating ratio of 6%, which is well below the global best practice of 15-20%. As we enter Movember & Sons for 2012 all funding from 2007-2010 has been invested in research and survivorship programs. Funding from 2011 has been allocated, please visit prostatecancer.ca for programs that are currently open for application.
For more information about how funds are allocated, the programs we fund and to register for Movember & Sons please visit www.movember.com.